Walk This Way Part 6

INTRODUCTION Most of us don’t become Christians with the intent of following Jesus. We become Christians because we were told obedience pays and disobedience doesn’t. We become Christians hoping that spirituality will fill a hole in our souls. We become Christians hoping God will fix us or fix someone we know. Eventually, our agendas clash with Jesus’ and we have to decide whether we’ll abandon him or follow.


1. Talk about something you really wanted in life, whether during adulthood or when you were a child. What did you do to try to get it? Did you succeed?

2. Have you ever seen someone put aside his or her wants in order to follow God’s will? How did that person’s actions influence your own faith?

3. Talk about a time when you felt a tension between God’s will and your own. What did you do?

4. In the message, Drew said, “God’s hand can’t be forced. His will can’t be thwarted. That god doesn’t exist.” How does that statement challenge the way you think about God? What comfort do you find in it?

5. Have you ever had to give something up—a dream, an ambition, money, career advancement—in order to follow Jesus? Explain.

6. What is one area of your life that you need to say no to yourself and follow Jesus? What can this group do to support you?

MOVING FORWARD It’s better to follow God’s will than to try to impose our own. Following God’s will means wanting what he wants more than what we want. For most of us, that begins with wanting to want what he wants more than what we want. So, before you turn your back on God, before you dismiss him, before you allow your disappointment with him to drive you to a decision you most certainly will regret later, pray: “Heavenly Father, I want to want what you want more than what I want.”

CHANGING YOUR MIND “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42