Walk This Way Part 2


Religion says, Change and you can join us. Jesus says, Join us and you will change. There's a huge difference. Jesus doesn't expect you to be perfect. He just wants you to follow him. Being a sinner doesn't disqualify you from following him. Being an unbeliever doesn't disqualify you from following him. In fact, following almost always begins with a sinner taking one small step.


1. Talk about a major goal you’ve achieved in your life. When you first set that goal for yourself, did it feel unachievable? How did you go about pursuing it?

2. Have you ever met a Christian whose faith impressed and intimidated you? How did that person influence your view of Christianity? How did he or she influence your view of your own faith?

3. Last week, Drew challenged you to answer the question, Am I following Jesus? As you thought about that question, where did it lead you?

4. What risks do you associate with following Jesus? How do those risks cause you to hesitate?

5. In the message, Drew talked about four stages of following Jesus—listening and learning; taking a small, inconvenient step; allowing Jesus to do something unusual in one area of your life; and surrendering all aspects of your life to him. Which stage best describes where you are right now? Explain.

6. Based on where you are right now, what is your next step in following Jesus? What can this group do to support you?

MOVING FORWARD The question isn’t where you are on some continuum of spiritual maturity. The question is, Are you following Jesus? That doesn’t mean radical change all at once. It means taking a next step. Whatever your next step is . . . take it. Whatever your point of challenge right now, that’s where God wants to work in your life.

CHANGING YOUR MIND “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Matthew 4:19