Sleeping Giant

Too often, we underestimate what God can do through ordinary people united for His extraordinary purposes. But God has placed incredible potential in each of us and our church. In this series, we’ll explore how discovering that potential allows us to step into the unique purpose God has for our lives. Together, we’ll learn to awaken to His greater vision, boldly embrace our calling, and unleash His goodness in our community and beyond. It’s time to awaken the giant within—let’s discover what’s possible.

Do You Hear What I Hear?

In the midst of life’s distractions, it’s easy to overlook the voice of God. But God is still speaking—practically, personally, and purposefully. In this series, we’ll explore how God’s voice breaks through the noise to guide, strengthen, and transform our lives.

Well Versed

In this series, we’ll explore four hymns that have carried people through history, revealing timeless truths about love, grace, redemption, and purpose. By uncovering the struggles and triumphs behind these songs, we’ll gain fresh insights for our own journey, discovering how looking back can reshape how we move forward.

Together FOR Tuscaloosa

As Christians, we are called to love and serve our neighbors, following the example of Jesus who came not to be served, but to serve others. FOR Tuscaloosa reflects this heart of service.

Made for More

We were made for more than just going through the motions. God has a greater purpose for each of us, and when we step into that calling, we find true fulfillment.


While Ekklesia is a strange little word, its the word that the early followers of Jesus chose to describe what they were up to: moving! Christianity has always been a movement, with local groups of people living out the same approach and posture of Jesus. 

Solomon Says

What can we learn from the wisest man in history? Dive into Proverbs with us as we learn how to make wise choices.


In the midst of a noisy world, we are surrounded by countless voices. Which voices are shaping your life? 3 Weeks. 3 Speakers. 3 Messages. 3 Voices to help us understand who we are.

Road Trip

Have you ever had those moments where you ask yourself, "What exactly is the gospel?" If you've ever found yourself scratching your head over this question or stumbled trying to explain it to others, you're not alone – and we've got your back. Come journey with us as we examine the gospel through the captivating perspective of the Romans Road.

Full House

Family. We all have one. While some of us loved our ‘growing up’ years, others of us couldn’t wait to move out and start fresh. Most of us want something better for our kids and our marriage. But what exactly are we aiming for? And how do we get there?

I Will Follow

Life pulls us in a million different directions. We’re trying to make the right decision and do the right thing, but we don’t always know what’s right.

The Great Mystery

What has God said about himself? Are we listening? If we’re not, there’s more at stake than we think.

Be Here Now

What are we missing by avoiding the reality of our situations? What could God do in us and through us if we were fully present?

Dear God

How do we pray? Why do we pray? Does prayer even work? Chances are you’ve asked these questions. Chances are you’ve prayed before. But how do we know if we’ve done it right? These are important questions since prayer is considered to be the most important tool any Jesus follower has.

Feel the Burnout

Every single day, some people wake up expecting to have zero satisfaction in their lives. They despise work. They despise their lives. They feel like a shell of who they used to be. But there it is. This isn’t who they USED to be. How’d they get here? What happened? Is there a way out?


We’ve popularized feel good statements like “Be True to yourself” and “Follow your heart.” But what if we’ve been pursuing the wrong version of authenticity and truth? What if we’ve missed something truer than anything we could ever be confronted with? What if our pursuit for ‘real’ has been hijacked?

Own It

Excuses are lies we tell ourselves about ourselves. The problem is, we believe them! It’s time to put the excuses down and start moving forward.

How To Get Life Right

How do we know if we’re getting life right? Unfortunately, we often don’t know until we realize we’re getting it wrong, and then it can be too late. In this series, we’ll tackle some key areas of life through the lens of the One who knows best—our heavenly Father.

This Is My Story

We all want to be a part of a story that grants real significance. We want to die knowing that our life had meaning beyond a paycheck and a Facebook profile. Jesus hinted at a story that is big and true and beautiful enough to give us meaning. But can we trust him?


Two thousand years ago, a gathering of people in a Middle-Eastern city began a movement. Encircling the globe and leaving its mark on individuals and cultures on every continent, this movement would eventually become known as the church.

Wish You Were Here

We all have wishes for our lives. Whether it’s relationships, finances, health, or faith, we all have a part of our lives that we’d love to improve. Where do we start?

Address the Mess

Whether we’re religious or not, we’ve all been in, are in, or are only one decision away from a mess. But there’s a powerful connection between your messes and your relationship with God.


The journey from where we are in life to where we want to be is not quick. In fact, sometimes we seem to get stuck in the middle between what was and what should be. What if you’re not stuck, you’re just en route?

Walk This Way

Jesus issued a pretty fantastic invitation to all sorts of people. That same invitation is open to you. He says “Follow me as I walk this way.”

Time Well Spent

Our time is limited. And it feels like the demands for our time grow every day. But when it’s all said and done, we all want to look back on our days and think… that was time well spent.



the Phases

Regardless of your role - parent, grandparent, future parent, aunt, uncle, etc. - we have a responsibility to prepare and equip the next generation.

Scared to Death

It's scary out there - no doubt about it. We'd all like to remove fear and uncertainty from our lives, but that's not always possible. Are we destined to live scared to death or can we discover a new way of dealing with anxiety and worry?


What do you do when you find yourself in a set of circumstances and there's no way to change it?

Starting Point

Everything has a beginning. Every person, every idea, every journey starts somewhere. Whether it's one small step in a new direction or a major event, from that point forward nothing is ever the same.


Halftime adjustments win ball games. Halftime adjustments can also help you achieve your big goals. The year's not over yet. It's just halftime.

It’s Fine

"It's fine" has become a term we use to smuggle our fears, faults, and feelings into the future. That simple phrase prevents us from paying attention to the things in us that really need our attention—our emotions.

What’s Next?

What does it look like to step into the unknown after transition? I think what's 'new' and what's 'next' will always require courage. God provides that courage. He's paved the way for us in a new direction in Jesus.

The Best Summer Ever

Summer is a great time to make new habits or maybe break some bad ones. It's also a great time to be connected to TCAT. Learn how to make this summer the best summer ever.

More Than Ever

We think God is up to something here in Tuscaloosa. The vision of what could be is being fueled by the fact that it should be. And that is a sure mark of God doing something new. Want to be a part of something God is doing? Us too.

Beginner’s Guide to Predicting Your Future

We’re all going to end up somewhere in life, but often there’s a disconnect between where we want to end up and the path we choose.

The Bad Boys of Easter

Meet the men who shaped the events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Comeback

God is in the business of comebacks. You may be down, but you’re never out.