Parenting Through the Phases
Regardless of your role - parent, grandparent, future parent, aunt, uncle, etc. - we have a responsibility to prepare and equip the next generation.
Jan 9, 2022
There are 936 weeks from the time a child is born to the time they turn 18. That’s the amount of time we have to create lasting influence in their life. What they’re going through today is just a phase - so don’t miss it!
Jan 16, 2022
We all have a tendency to underestimate the weight of our WORDS - but research has actually shown, in order to think a thought, paint a picture, or work a math problem, you need WORDS. It's simple - words allow you to think, see and interpret the world around you - and it seems like words must be a big deal to God.
Jan 23, 2022
Has it ever occurred to you that basically every parent or guardian wants the same thing for their kids? A better future. Jesus followers have said for centuries that the best way to help our kids have a better future is to connect them to faith in Jesus. But how do we actually do that?
Jan 30, 2022
As our children grow and move through phases, the rhythms of our homes change as well. It’s up to us to use the patterns of our lives to provide influence over time.
A discussion about faith looks different at every phase. It can be talking with a preschooler about Jesus being God’s Son or with a middle-schooler who is having doubts for the first time. Our friends at Parent Cue created free Faith Conversation Guides to help you have the most important talk you can have with your child.