The Bad Boys of Easter
Saying yes to God will cost you something. Saying no will cost you more—including the thing you chose over him. Christians often resist the God we say we trust. Surrender is hard. But it's worth it. The pressure to preserve what we have built, created, or accomplished has the potential to drive us to self-destructive extremes.
March 14, 2021
Caiaphas was more afraid to lose the peace than He was to deny the will of God. How does our fear to lose what we got keep us from gaining something better with God?
March 21, 2021
Like Judas, all of us are tempted to trade our relationship with Christ for something or somebody, usually because of disappointment. What are you most tempted to trade Jesus for?
March 28, 2021
God is not what you have experienced. Disappointment with life easily becomes disappointment with God. God can be trusted in spite of negative life experience. When you open your hands in surrender, instead of clenching your fists in anger, you become a candidate for God's life-giving, life-defining grace. Life happens. God can be trusted.
Posted by The Church At Tuscaloosa on Sunday, March 14, 2021
Posted by The Church At Tuscaloosa on Sunday, March 21, 2021
Posted by The Church At Tuscaloosa on Sunday, March 28, 2021