More Than Ever
We think God is up to something here in Tuscaloosa. The vision of what COULD be is being fueled by the fact that it SHOULD be. And that is a sure mark of God doing something new. Want to be a part of something God is doing? Us too.
May 16, 2021
We hope you’ll help us be #FORtuscaloosa. Now more than ever, we need volunteers to help us serve our community. Think about where you could help and try volunteering for two weeks with no long-term commitment. Find out more about TCAT Test Drive
If you missed yesterday's service, here is an edited version. We had such an awesome time and God showed up in some really cool ways in the lives of people and ministries of TCAT. There is still an opportunity to check our the different areas you can serve and try out for only 2 weeks to see if it's what God may be calling you to do long term. No pressure to continue after if you feel it's not a good fit. Check out more at
Posted by The Church At Tuscaloosa on Monday, May 17, 2021