Walk This Way Part 3


Sure, we want to follow Jesus, but where is he leading? What is the payoff to following him? Is it being a better person? Is it life in Heaven after we die? Is it a pain-free life? If you follow Jesus, you will be a better person. If you follow him, you will go to Heaven. If you follow him, you won’t have a pain-free life. But that’s okay because Jesus offers much more—a faith so strong it frees us from fear.


1. Are you superstitious in any areas of your life? Explain.

2. Do you tend to be a worrier or do you deal with circumstances as they come? How is that natural wiring a strength for you? How is it a weakness?

3. What circumstances, consequences, or possibilities do you fear? How does that fear limit your choices in life?

4. Think about a time when you felt close to God. Were your circumstances at that time good or bad? How did those circumstances, good or bad, influence your relationship with God?

5. Have you ever met someone who was choosing to trust God through difficult circumstances? What impressed you about that person? Can you imagine yourself having a faith like that? Why or why not?

6. What circumstances do you face right now that you need to entrust to God? What worries are you struggling with that you need to entrust to God? What can this group do to support you?


Have you ever met someone who is choosing to trust God through enormously difficult circumstances? Did you find yourself wanting some of that? That’s where following Jesus leads. Over and over in the gospels, that’s where he points people. The Sermon on the Mount is a picture of what a life of perfect faith looks like. Can you imagine how liberating that would be?


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33