Drew Oakley

October 1st 2023

In order to get out of the burnout pathway, you’re going to need some new patterns and rhythms.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you struggle with taking regular periods of rest? Why?

  2. What are some common signs and symptoms of burnout that we've personally experienced or observed in others? How might the practice of Sabbath help us address and prevent these symptoms?

  3. During the message, Drew said “Sabbath is inconvenient and we’re just looking for an excuse to write it off.” Do you agree with this statement?

  4. What is the biggest obstacle in your life to taking regular sabbath days?

  5. In today's society, there's often pressure to be constantly productive and available. How can we set boundaries and communicate our need for a Sabbath to our family, friends, and employers without feeling guilty or judged?

Changing Your Mind

Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. Mark 2:27