Week 2: The Younger Son
If there’s one thing that’s true for all of us, it’s that we will pursue our own desires and eventually come to regret it. It’s a cycle in which we often find ourselves. Unfortunately, we tend to circle back to the same desires that got us in trouble in the first place. Often this is because we’re afraid to come back home to our heavenly Father. We try to fix things on our own instead of coming home, where we can truly find peace and rest. What if we made the decision to come home—where we were intended to be all along? Maybe it’s here we will realize that our dependence on the Father is what gives us true freedom in this life.
Discussion Questions
1. Have you ever been lost? Maybe you got lost from your parents as a kid, or perhaps you were on a road trip and wandered away, not knowing where you were. How did you feel when you didn’t know where you were or where to go next?
2. How did you end up finding your way?
3. We often find ourselves running from those who have been entrusted to look out for us (parents, bosses, teachers). Why do we do this? Do we do this with our heavenly Father as well? Why do so many of us have a tendency to run from God?
4. Read Luke 15:11–24.
• Why do you think the younger son wanted to leave home and be on his own?
• What did he realize when he was on his own—away from the father and his home?
• Why was he hesitant to head back home?
• How did the father respond? Was it the way the son thought he would?
5. If you’ve ever found yourself running from God, do any of the following resonate with you?
• Reason #1: He’s going to be mad, and I don’t want to face his anger.
• Reason #2: He’s embarrassed by me, and I’ve lost the relationship.
• Reason #3: I just can’t please him, and it will be exhausting to work my way back in.
6. Have you ever hit “rock bottom” and realized you were no longer in control? When you realized this, how did you respond?
7. Did this circumstance send you further away from your heavenly Father, or did it send you “home” to where he greeted you with open arms?
8. No matter where you are in life, your heavenly Father says, “Come back home.” How does it make you feel that he is waiting for you and is ready to welcome you?
Changing Your Mind
There truly is no place like home. There is no better place than being at home with our heavenly Father, especially when we’ve pursued our own ways and spent time running away. If you have run away, would you be willing to come back home? Your heavenly Father is there with open arms and is ready to throw a party for you!