Week 1: God as Father

The term “father” stirs up a variety of feelings and memories in all of us. For some of us, our fathers were a dominant presence in our homes. For others, our fathers were people we barely saw. For still others, our fathers were consistent providers but cold when it came to showing genuine love. So when we hear the term “heavenly Father,” what feelings bubble up? In one story, Jesus gives us a perfect picture of who our heavenly Father truly is.

Discussion Questions

1. Growing up, did you ever want to run away from home or school? What prompted you to consider that? Did you actually follow through?

2. Why do we sometimes want to flee certain situations in life?

3. In the message, Drew said, ”It’s tough to get life right when we get God wrong.”

• Do you find this to be true? Why or why not?

• What do you feel is more important: what we think about God or what God thinks about us?

4. When you think of the word “father,” what words come to mind? Do you think these words are influenced by your experience with your earthly father?

5. Read Luke 15:11–32. How would you describe the father in this story?

6. If you were to fully embrace these words to describe your heavenly Father, how would it impact your relationship with him?

Changing Your Mind

God wants us to see him as the perfect Father who loves us unconditionally. He is the perfection of what our earthly father could never be. When you think of the words that describe the father in the story Jesus told, let them shape how you would describe your heavenly Father. This week, would you be willing to think about God as your Father?