Day 11 - February 17th 2022

Read Romans 8:28

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

What is one thing about God that you absolutely believe is true and that you could never be talked out of? That He’s good? Angry? Loving? Disappointed? Distant? We all have different views of who God is and how we see Him based on our experiences. The truth is that God is good and loves us wholeheartedly. He knows us entirely, even before we know Him. 

Think about this for a moment. If you can’t be surprised, you can’t be disappointed. God is not a disappointed God. He can’t be. He saw everything before He died on the cross and still chose to sacrifice His Son for you. He sees you as his beloved and wants to bring His love and abundant provision into your story—even the broken parts. God never starts from a deficit. He is always working from abundance and is faithful in all things. By spending time with God, we begin to learn who He is, who we are because of His love, and who He has called us to be.

What is one area of your life you want to see from God’s perspective? Today, ask God to reveal how He is working in your life.

Andrew Oakley