Day 19 - February 25th 2022

READ 1 Peter 5:7

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Most of us have a repetitive worry. Whether we realize it or not, this one worry circulates in our minds. Maybe it’s family, finances, the future, school. Maybe you worry about something you know God is capable of handling, but you don't know how to trust Him with it. When we let worry run rampant, it can often turn into anxiety. Anxiety throws our joy and hope into an awful downward spiral that can be hard to exit. 

In both 1 Peter 5 and Philippians 4, we are told not to worry or be anxious. While giving our anxieties to God is easier said than done, we can do it by giving God one worry at a time. Every time that worry pops into your head, you can give it to God. He loves you and wants to brings you peace. All you have to do is ask.

Spend a few minutes today telling God your worries. Tell Him what makes you anxious and ask for peace in place of your anxiety.

Andrew Oakley