Drew Oakley
April 23rd, 2023
We want to get marriage right, but figuring out how to do that is a complex and often mysterious process. Paul agreed, and he suggested an interesting solution to getting marriage right today so we can experience what we actually desire tomorrow. The secret? Not trying to get the marriage right.
Discussion Questions
Who has the healthiest marriage you’ve seen? What makes their marriage a good example?
Whatever your relationship status, how does this season compare to how you anticipated it would be? What is better than you anticipated? What is more challenging?
Read 1 Corinthians 7:1–16; 25–39, where the apostle Paul talks about marriage and singleness.
Why do you think Paul encouraged those who were single to remain so?
What do you think about the reasons Paul suggests for getting married?
What idea in this passage is most challenging for you?
Paul seems to suggest that the best marriage advice is to focus on something more important than the marriage—namely, Jesus. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
In the message, Drew said that marriage is a “submission competition.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
Moving Forward When we get it right, marriage is an earthly reflection of an eternal relationship. It is intended to reflect God’s love for you and to flow from God’s love in you. When we get it wrong, focusing on marriage can actually become an obstacle to our relationship with God. Where is your attention focused?