Enroute Part 1
The path from where we are to where we want to be is rarely a quick one. It’s a spiritual truth that God often chooses to work through the bumps in the road along the journey to teach us things that will be helpful along the way. The best example of this is found in the Exodus Story. Many pieces of that event are proof that sometimes we aren’t stuck or lost… we’re just not there yet.
1. Who do you know in your life that has Fearless Faith?
2. In the message, Drew said that “The desert is that place between the promise of God and the fulfillment of that promise.” Have you ever found yourself in a place like that?
3. The five things that grow your faith are Practical Teaching, Private Disciplines, Personal Ministry, Providential Relationships, and Pivotal Circumstances. How have you experienced each of these?
4. Have you ever felt stuck between the person you were and the person you want to be? What does that feel like?
5. Think about someone in your life that is facing a pivotal circumstance right now. What can you do to help them?
Not everything in life works out the way we thought or hoped it would. In those pivotal moments, we have an opportunity to continue to trust God to see where He leads. He has promised great things for us the fulfillment of those promises is not always immediate. If you find yourself in a desert place spiritually, God could be leading you through something to prepare you for something bigger. Pray that God might reveal His plans for this season of life for you.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33