Day 22: The Disciples Hear the Great Commission

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” -Matthew 28:18-20


A few years back, I was sitting in my office when a college student knocked on my door. "Remember that sermon you preached about sharing our faith?" she asked. "Well, I finally did it. I told my roommate about Jesus." Her voice trembled with excitement as she continued, "But here's the crazy part - she said she'd been praying for someone to explain Christianity to her. I thought I was being brave, but God had already prepared the way!"

The Great Commission is fascinating because it begins with authority and ends with presence. "All authority" has been given to Jesus, yet He chooses to work through us. It's like being handed the keys to your parent's car - it's their authority, but they trust you to use it responsibly. And just as we might feel nervous about driving that car, the disciples must have felt overwhelmed by this massive assignment.

What's particularly striking is that this commission comes with a promise: "I am with you always." The same Jesus who has all authority promises His continuing presence. We're never sent out alone. This isn't about mustering up enough courage or wisdom on our own - it's about learning to hear and follow the voice of the One who goes with us.

Notice too that the command is to "make disciples" - not just converts. This suggests an ongoing relationship of teaching and learning, of hearing and sharing what we've heard. When we share our faith, we're not just transmitting information; we're inviting others into this continuing conversation with God that we've been experiencing through this advent season.

Reflection Questions: 

  1. How does knowing Jesus has "all authority" and is "with you always" change how you view sharing your faith? 

  2. What's one step you could take today to be more intentional about making disciples?

Prayer Prompt: Ask God to help you hear His leading about who needs to hear about Jesus, and for courage to share not just the gospel message but your ongoing journey of following His voice.

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