Day 8

"The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned." - Matthew 4:16 (NIV)

Ever look at something in the dark, then turn on a light and realize it didn’t quite look like you thought? Enter every monster I ever thought I saw in my bedroom as a kid! Light brings perspective. Being in the dark makes it hard to see. At the same time, the longer you live in the light the harder it is to see in the dark.

Admittedly I (Drew) am incredibly spoiled compared to most of the world. I woke up this morning, poured a bowl of Cookie Crisp (don’t judge me!), walked to my back porch, opened up my macbook and began writing with no fear other than how long it will be quiet before the kids wake up. Yet others woke up in this same community with a different morning ahead of them. Somewhere in this community, someone woke up this morning and experienced the sting of racism. Someone woke up and didn’t have food. Someone woke up and had no electricity or their water had been turned off because they couldn’t afford the bill. Someone somewhere in Tuscaloosa County woke up this morning feeling the weight of their world crashing down on them so hard they didn't want to get out of bed. Depression hits a bit harder this time of year.

Those who are living in darkness have seen a great light. No matter the darkness, the Light of Christ shines, piercing through and dispelling the gloom of hopelessness. On the other hand, those of us who have experienced this light shed abroad in our hearts shouldn’t be quick to forget those who still sit in darkness. Pray, yes. But also act. Share your faith. Share your resources. Lend a hand to those who haven’t felt the warmth of the love of God.

This Christmas, let us carry the light of Christ into the areas overshadowed by pain. Our celebrations gain depth when we share the love that transcends circumstances. Amid challenges, may the message of Christmas resound—the light of Christ prevails, offering solace and a way forward.


Heavenly Father, amid the celebrations, we remember those living in the shadows of suffering. May the light of Christ bring hope to the darkest places, and may we be vessels of your love, dispelling the gloom around us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Andrew Oakley