Day 7

"Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine." - Proverbs 3:9-10 (NIV)

I (Drew) can still remember the first time I actually tithed at church. I’d given money before that moment but this had been the first time I had gotten a calculator out alongside my paystub and written a check for 10%. For the record, I had been a pastor for several years before this moment happened. Not proud of that now but figured it’s best to tell the truth! I can still remember a bit of thrill and fear shooting through me as I put that check in the plate in a little church in Kentucky. We didn’t have much financial margin at the time but, Shanna and I had become aware of the fact that we’d trusted God with every area of our lives except our finances. 

I feel silly looking back on it now that I’d trusted God with my career, my life, my kids, my marriage… but not my wallet. In the act of tithing, we engage in a sacred exchange with God. Proverbs 3:9-10 illuminates this principle—honoring the Lord with our wealth, trusting in His provision. Tithing isn't merely a financial transaction; it's a transformative journey of faith and obedience. My relationship with my stuff is better in the best way because of the transformative power of obedience to tithe. 

As we commit the firstfruits of our earnings to God, we acknowledge His lordship over our lives. The act of tithing reshapes our perspective, shifting our focus from accumulation to contribution. In this surrender, we open ourselves to the power of generosity, breaking the chains of materialism and cultivating a heart of gratitude.

Tithing is an invitation to participate in God's economy of abundance. It aligns our priorities with His, fostering a spirit of stewardship and trust. As we give faithfully, we witness not only the flourishing of our finances but the blossoming of a generous spirit within.


Heavenly Father, as we honor You with our tithes, transform our hearts. Teach us the joy of giving, and may our generosity reflect Your boundless love. In the act of tithing, may we discover the transformative power of trusting You with our resources. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Andrew Oakley