Day 10

"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory." - Isaiah 6:3 (NIV)

When I (Drew) was a kid, my mom would read scripture to my brother and I every night. I loved Isaiah. I can clearly remember my mom reading this chapter to us when I was 9 or 10 and being overwhelmed with what this scene must've looked like. In the resplendent vision of Isaiah, we catch a glimpse of the heavenly chorus declaring the holiness of God. "Holy, holy, holy" is not a mere repetition; it is a profound emphasis on the absolute purity and transcendence of our Creator. God's holiness is beyond our comprehension, setting Him apart in majestic splendor. Even though we celebrate the incarnation at Christmas time we shouldn’t forget that God is distinctly ‘other’ than us. The awareness of His holiness should evoke awe, humility, and reverence. And, perhaps, pause.

God, the creator of the universe is perfectly Holy. No blemishes. No tarnish. No sin. Perfect. I won’t speak for you, but that’s pretty different from me. While I’m all for spending my days contemplating God’s perfect grace, I shouldn’t quickly forget God’s perfect holiness. God’s grace doesn’t cancel out God’s holiness. They don’t hold each other in tension either. The scales are perfectly balanced. God’s perfect holiness requires God’s perfect grace if we’re going to be invited back into the family. 

As we stand on the holy ground of God's presence, let us acknowledge our need for His grace. The holiness of God, far from pushing us away, invites us into a relationship of redemption. It is through Christ that we, though unworthy, can approach the holy God with confidence, knowing that His holiness makes a way for our reconciliation.


Holy God, your majesty and holiness leave us in awe. Thank you for making a way for us to approach you through the redemptive work of Christ. May your holiness shape our lives, drawing us closer to you with humility and reverence. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Andrew Oakley