Day 16 - February 22nd 2022

READ John 15:5

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

You know the feeling you get when you see the “low battery/ten percent” notification on your phone? It’s not good. You start sorting through options so you won’t be caught without power because you know your cell phone won’t work without it. In the same way, our spiritual batteries quickly deplete when we don’t spend time with God. In John 15:5, Jesus tells us that He is the source of our strength. If you cut a branch off a plant, the branch will wither and die. But when the branch remains connected to the plant, the whole plant flourishes and bears fruit. 

When we spend time with God, He refills us where we have become empty. We are then able to do what He has created us to do. This is how we bear fruit. Relying only on ourselves causes us to run into the red and dangerous ten percent. The more time we spend with God, the easier it is to notice when we feel disconnected from him.

What makes you feel most connected to God? It could be nature, art, prayer, or something entirely different. Spend some time today connecting with God in a way you haven’t tried before.

Andrew Oakley