Establishing a Habit of Connecting with God


Do you wish you could hear from God?

In our relationships with other people, we grow by being present and listening to each other. The same is true for our relationship with God. God desires a close relationship with each one of us. But we must choose to make time for him and to quiet the world around us to hear from him. We want to help you create a habit of spending consistent time with God.

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4-Day Reading Plan

Whether you are starting a new year, or you just want to make a change, these principles will help you have a better year than the last. Learn how to let go of what is hindering you and allow God to lead you to a better life.


Why Worry?

6-Day Reading Plan

Most of us are worried about something. And many of us are more worried now than we’ve ever been. But worry has been around as long as there have been people. Two thousand years ago, there was so much worry that Jesus addressed it, and he gave us the definitive solution. In this 6–day plan, Andy Stanley looks at what the Bible has to teach us about worry.

Thriving Marriage

9-Day Reading Plan

Marriage is what you make it—for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse. But you may not feel like your marriage is all it could be. Thankfully, you don’t have to wonder which choices and behaviors support a flourishing marriage. God has a design for a loving, lasting, thriving marriage. No matter what you’ve been through, it’s still possible to be and to stay in love.

Fear Not

5-Day Reading Plan

Do you feel afraid? Full of fear? You’re not alone! Fear might be where we start, but it is not where we need to stay. What if we could move from fear into trust? This five-day reading plan is a space where, together, we can acknowledge our fears and look into the Bible to discover the good news about the God whose perfect love casts out all fear. Fear Not!


Creatures of Habit

7-Day Reading Plan

We are creatures of habit, and our habits are powerful forces. Habits like studying the Word of God, praying, confessing, and fasting are not just items on a checklist. These habits have the power to change us. In this seven-day reading plan come explore the habit of studying the Word of God and celebrate the hope that it can bring to our lives!

Kingdom Come

15-Day Reading Plan

We’ve heard that Jesus offers “life to the full” and we crave that experience. We want that life that’s on the other side of change. But what kind of change do we need? And just how do we go about the process of changing? In Kingdom Come you'll explore a new way to live the upside-down and inside-out life that God invites us into.

Come Near

6-Day Reading Plan

Do you wish you could hear directly from God? Have you ever struggled to see God at work in your life? God invites us to be near him, because the closer we get to God, the more clearly we can see him.


When, God?

7-Day Reading Plan

Have you ever felt like God was inattentive, uncooperative, or late? In this 7-day reading plan, Andy Stanley shares stories from the New Testament about three different men who felt that God was not responding in their time of need. These stories teach us that we can walk through difficult times and know that God is still with us—he isn’t inattentive, he isn’t uncooperative, and he is never late.

The Book of John

21-Day Reading Plan

Journey through the Book of John one chapter a day for 21 days.