Day 1 - February 28th 2022

READ John 20:30-31

30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

The apostle John recorded what he witnessed and experienced of Jesus’ mission here on earth. Near the end of his gospel, John tells us that he chose to write what he wrote “So that you (all of us reading) would believe. When John was standing on the side of the Sea of Galilee the day that Jesus called him to follow, he didn’t fully believe but he knew there was something special about Jesus. Maybe you’re in the same place today. 

Our goal in writing this devotional and in guiding you through the Gospel of John is that you too may believe that Jesus really is who He says He is. No matter how much or how little faith you have today, like John we want to write so that you might believe. 

The book of John is one of the most translated books in history. Missionaries who translate the Bible into other languages often begin with the Gospel of John because it so clearly delivers the saving truth, in story form, to those who read it. But John’s message is much more than a story to be read and then set aside. Rather, it is aimed directly at people’s hearts and promises abundant and eternal life! In believing John’s message about Jesus, you are assured of God’s love and forgiveness, and you are equipped to live as God’s child.

It’s almost as if John is looking down a corridor leading into the future, and what he sees at the end is your face. The message is for you. Jesus loves you. Jesus came to earth and died for you. Jesus arose from the dead for you. 

Pray that God might speak clearly to you through this devotional as we read through the Gospel of John together.

Andrew Oakley