Drew Oakley
I will follow you when my faith is in crisis.
Life pulls us in a million different directions. We’re trying to make the right decision and do the right thing, but we don’t always know what’s right. And then those moments come along where we are most tempted to stop following Jesus. What should we do then?
Discussion Questions
Have you or anyone you know ever experienced a faith crisis? What was that like?
Deconstruction has become a pretty popular term recently. Why is this term so problematic? What might be a healthier way to think about faith crisis?
Drew listed 3 typical responses to faith crisis: “Pretend like nothing is wrong, Tear it all down to nothing, The way of Jesus.” Which one of these are you most likely to deploy when you face faith crisis?
How can you pursue Jesus over certainty?
Changing your mind
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1