Drew Oakley
April 28th, 2024
Family. We all have one. While some of us loved our ‘growing up’ years, others of us couldn’t wait to move out and start fresh. Most of us want something better for our kids and our marriage. But what exactly are we aiming for? And how do we get there?
Discussion Questions:
Are you easily angered? Do you internalize it or externalize it? Within the context of family, when you're angry, what is it, generally speaking, that you want that you aren't getting?
Are you a record keeper, relationally speaking? Do you keep score and on occasion remind folks of the score? If so, what fuels that in you?
When it comes to family, what is your North Star? What is the organizing principle in your home? (Obedience? Respect? Achievement? Something else?)
If you're a parent with kids still in your home, what can you do differently to parent toward healthy adult relationships with your children?