Financial Relief

Financial hardship is something no one should have to experience alone – we want to help.

We’ve created a list of resources and links to helpful resources to help if you’re experiencing financial hardship.

If you would like to speak with a staff member about your financial situation, please contact us.





  • If you haven’t looked at a budget in a while, now’s the time to do so. Every Dollar is a great free app to use to get a budget together.

  • Get clarity from your income sources as to what the reality will look like over the coming weeks.

  • Cut spending to bare necessities. If you can’t pay all of your bills, Dave Ramsey recommends you spend your money on these four items first and in this order:

    • Food 

    • Utilities 

    • Shelter 

    • Transportation

Defer Payments

  • If you’re still not able to cover all of your expenses, identify payments that can be deferred:

    • Call creditors to explain your situation. You can ask for temporary relief on your monthly payments. If you offer to still send some money, even if it’s a smaller amount than your typical payment, they might be more willing to work with you.

    • If you have federal student loans, you can forbear (interest accrues) or defer (interest doesn’t accrue on subsidized federal loans) your loan payments.

    • For student loans, use this questionnaire to understand what options are available to you.

  • If you’re paying extra on debt(s) right now and have less than one to two months’ worth of expenses in an emergency fund, it might not be a bad idea to temporarily stop extra payments and then restart them once things settle down.

  • Enroll for health insurance, if you can.

  • Use this week to get a game plan together and gather information, as there may be more changes coming.

  • Reach out to the MoneyWise team using an email address listed above if you want to talk.

Unemployment Insurance

Small Businesses




  • They provide food, clothing, financial, utility, or rent assistance. To schedule an appointment, please call the office Monday through Wednesday from 9:30am-11:30am.

    Phone: (205) 759-1268


  • They provide Meals on wheels, financial relief, mobile food pantries, and utility assistance. Call to make an appointment.

    Phone: (205) 752-5429


  • They provide various resources through their Connection Center, Bridge of Love, ministries, programs, community outreach, donation center and resale boutique. Call to be connected to the appropriate assistance.

    Phone: (205) 614-2849


  • They provide non-predatory loans to assist with essential needs, such as utilities or rent. There are no late fees, and the monthly pay back rate is determined on a case-by-case basis.

    Phone: (205) 614-1789


  • TES provides food bags, clothing, baby items, personal hygiene products, an in-house shower facility, as well as money for utilities, birth certificates, tooth extraction and certain prescriptions. If you need utility assistance, please call (205) 391-6647. Appointments are scheduled each Monday, beginning at 9am.

    Phone: (205) 758-5535


  • They provide basic human needs resource (clothing, food, utilities), Physical and Mental Health Resources (health insurance programs, crisis intervention services, counseling, etc), Employment Supports (financial assistance, job training etc) Support for Older West Alabama Residents and Persons with Disabilities (adult daycare, Meals on Wheels, home health care and transportation) and Support for Children (Childcare, after school programs, Head Start etc).

    Phone: 211
