Few things are as repulsive as a leader, parent, boss, or politician who leverages influence for his or her benefit to the neglect of those he or she is responsible for. Few things are as inspiring as a leader who says no to himself or herself in order to say yes to those for whom he or she is responsible. So how can we lead well when authority is placed in our hands?


1. Talk about a leader, boss, or coach that was influential in your life. What was it about that person that made him or her influential?

2. Read 1 Samuel 16:7. To what extent do you think our culture looks at outward appearance as a qualification for leadership instead of the heart?

3. Talk about a time when you were given authority and didn’t lead well? What happened?

4. During the message, Drew said that when we wield authority, it should be based on God’s will, God’s way, and in God’s time. Do you agree? Why or why not?

5. Read John 13:3–15. If you had been in that room with Jesus and his disciples, how do you think you would have responded to what Jesus did? Why would you have responded that way?

6. In what area of your life do you currently have authority? What is one thing you can do this week to leverage your power for the benefit of the people you lead? How can this group support you?

MOVING FORWARD Perhaps the greatest indicator of your maturity is how you handle authority, power, and influence. When you’re the most powerful person in the room, look for feet to wash. Leverage your power for the benefit of the other people in the room.


For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45